Author: Healthy Point

Mohd Rafay is the owner of A Healthy Point. Rafay has 5+ years of experience in the fitness industry and has been researching supplement usage for the same period of time. Also the Expert of SEO & Content Writing with 5+ years of experience Over the years, he's logged thousands of hours of research, tried, and also experimented with Health and Fitness Company which provides personal training services over the glob by Right now he's working on launching his own Fitness company. Follow Healthy Point on Instagram: @gymallworkout

Keratosis pilaris treatment, symptoms may be a common, harmless skin condition that causes dry, rough patches and little bumps, often on the upper arms, thighs, cheeks, or buttocks. The bumps are usually painless or itchy. Keratosis pilaris is usually considered a variant of normal skin. It can’t be cured or prevented. However, it are often treated with prescription moisturizers and creams to assist improve the looks of the skin. The condition usually disappears by age 30. Also Read: 10 Tips to Makeup on Acne Prone Skin What are the Keratosis Pilaris Symptoms Keratosis pilaris can occur at any age, but…

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Home Remedies for Oily Skin: Natural remedies to make at home Oily skin is characterized by an excessive accumulation of sebum. This type of skin appears in the form of acne, enlarged pores, blackheads, or shine. let’s talk about Home remedies for oily skin Oily skin and pimples are very challenging to manage. Still, home remedies oftenly reduce symptoms without the use of prescription drugs or expensive skin care products. Here are 4 home remedies for oily skin you can try while staying at home. Aloe vera Egg white with lemon Cucumber Tomato Oily skin sometimes becomes a headache for…

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The natural home remedies for dry hair, damaged hair, rough, and mistreated. Dry hair considers an evil that many women can not suffer. And it is that the use of chemical products frequently, the hardness of the water, the use of inappropriate shampoos, and the lack of care can make our hair end up looking dull and very battered. Changing our habits and taking care of our hair a little more will be of great help, but at we also propose some home remedies for dry hair that will help you regain your health. 7 Home Remedies for Dry…

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The confinement has been very long and many of us have suffered the beauty ravages of the moment, many of them related to the issue of our pretreat gray hair.Thus, many of us have had to choose to dye ourselves at home , to take color baths,cut our bangs or ends. However, this time has also been used by many to stop dyeing and show off gray hair with great pride. For this reason, we wanted to go directly to the experts who have lived this day to day in hairdressing salons, and who each have a different experience. Also…

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Apple cider vinegar, found in Balasense gummies, is one of the most popular food supplements among those who like to take care of themselves naturally. What are its benefits? Every time we like to take care of ourselves more and we have it easier. Did you know that something as common as consuming apple cider vinegar has a lot of positive effects on your health? Some of the benefits with which this type of vinegar contributes to making you feel better are the reduction of cholesterol or blood sugar levels and the improvement of some of the symptoms of diabetes.…

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What is Diet? 5 Types of Diet Lose Weight Fast If you are finding most effective diet to lose weight and start taking care of your figure, in addition to exercising, the first thing you have to do is start a diet, but which one ?! Before you decide to make the one that is fashionable among your friends, know what they are for and how they work, but above all, confirm with your nutritionist which is your best option. The problem is that, since diets are typically high in caloric deficits and prohibit certain food groups, they are usually…

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Arise the question about Cardiovascular exercise: one of the questions that I have had to correct more times and that many people still ask me, both on Facebook and on Twitter, is when to do cardiovascular exercise if you want to combine it with weights, if it should be before or after themselves. I had always thought that it was a very simple and public domain answer, why you should always do weight training or anaerobic exercise before cardiovascular exercise or aerobic exercise , but for some time I have stopped to observe people who He attends the same gym…

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Are you trouble while makeup on acne prone skin? Ignore those who say you can’t go to bed without removing your makeup if you have blemish-prone or acne-prone skin. Proper makeup on acne prone skin, well applied, can help you cover up skin blemishes and give you more confidence. some people, when they have applied makeup, touch their face less and have no interest in spoiling the covering layer. This, in principle, is good news for those who suffer makeup on acne prone skin since there is nothing worse for the skin than touching pimples and blackheads or pimples. Also…

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